来源 : 拍船网      2020-01-20打印

       根据拍船网(www.shipbid.net)统计数据1 ,2019年12月份,全国船舶拍卖总计41艘次,环比减少11艘次或21.2%,同比增加21艘次或105.0%。其中,拍卖干散货类船舶22艘次,环比增加1艘次或4.8%,同比增加12艘次或120.0%;拍卖液货类船舶3艘次,环比不变,同比增加2艘次或200.0%。


图1 全国船舶拍卖数量统计图



图2 全国船舶拍卖总起拍价和成交价走势图


       船舶吨位方面2 ,12月份全国船舶拍卖干散货类船舶和液货类船舶总计约254675载重吨,环比减少约268892载重吨或51.4%,同比增加约24605载重吨或10.7%。其中,干散货类船舶约240838载重吨,环比增加约21970载重吨或10.0%,同比增加约12482载重吨或5.5%;液货类船舶约13837载重吨,环比减少约290862载重吨或95.5%,同比增加约12123载重吨或707.3%。

图3 拍卖干散货类及液货类船舶总载重吨走势图




English Version


Monthly Report of Ship Auction Market in China

In December 2019, the total ship auctions was 41,which decreased 11 and 21.2 % MOM and increased 21 and 105.0 % YOY.

Among them, the total bulk carrier auctions were 22, which increased 1 and 4.8 % MOM and increased 12 and 120.0 % YOY. The total chemical & tanker auctions were 3, which reminded the same MOM and increased 2 and 200.0 % YOY.

Total of the Ship Auction

Price of Ship Auction

In December 2019, the total starting price of ship auctions was ¥402.08 million,which decreased ¥490.51 million and 55.0 % MOM and increased ¥89.46 million and 28.6 % YOY. The total transaction price was ¥290.59 million, which decreased ¥382.3 million and 56.8% MOM, and decreased ¥21.77 million and 7.0% YOY.


Total Starting and Transaction Price of Ship Auction


DWT 2 of Ship Auction

In December 2019, the total DWT of ship auctions was 254675 tons,which decreased 268892 tons and 51.4 % MOM and increased 24605 DWT tons and 10.7 % YOY.

Among them, the total DWT of bulk carriers was 240838 tons, which increased 21970 tons and 10.0 % MOM and increased 12482 tons and 5.5 % YOY. The total DWT of chemicals & tankers was 13837 tons, which decreased 290862 tons and 95.5% MOM and increased 12123 tons and 707.3 % YOY.

Total DWT of Bulk Carrier and Chemical & Tanker


In December 2019, the total of ship auction continued to decrease MOM, but still increased slightly YOY. Lacking in ships with high starting price, the total starting price of ship auction declined significantly. Data shows, benefitting from three large bulk carrier such as QIXIANG 22, ZJ2019023 and ZJ2019025, although with decrease in both total and price, the total DWT of bulk carriers still maintained growth. The total DWT of these three ships accounted for 63.8% of the DWT of ship auction in December. In this month, the demand of bulk carriers was still strong with more transactions. In terms of other ship types, 6 passenger rolling ships were traded, with a total transaction price of ¥7.989 million which increased relatively MOM.


The data comes from various auction platforms, public bidding platforms of property rights exchanging market and ship exchange market etc. with a few live auctions may not be included in due to limited publicity.

The DWT of some auctioned ships are not published, so the data of such ships are estimated by the total tonnage of ships or other scales.

主办单位:浙江船舶交易市场     航运信息网版权所有 1999-2015     舟山航运和船东协会专职服务网站
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